Monday, December 15, 2008


NEW YORK - The Arena Football League Board of Directors will suspend the 2009 season subject to agreement and cooperation with the Arena Football League Players Association while the League works on developing a long-term plan to improve its economic model. "Every owner in the AFL is strongly committed to the League, the game, and, most importantly, the fans," said Acting Commissioner ED POLICY. "Owners, however, recognize that, especially in light of the current unprecedented economic climate, the AFL, as a business enterprise, needs to be restructured if it is to continue to provide its unique brand of this affordable, fan-friendly sport." The Board of Directors conducted a meeting via conference call Sunday night and voted in favor of a motion to suspend the 2009 season. Columbus Destroyers co-owner and vice chairman of the AFL Executive Committee JIM RENACCI was asked by the Board of Directors to spearhead the restructuring process.

My wife could never understand why I like watching the Arena League, but I did, and I hope it comes back in 2010. We still have several teams in the state:

Milwaukee Iron (AF2)

Green Bay Blizzard (AF2)

Milwaukee Bonecrushers (Continental Indoor Football League)

Wisconsin (Madison) Wolfpack (CIFL)