Monday, November 10, 2008


Council Chambers, City Hall - Tuesday, November 11, 2008 - 7:00 p.m.

I.Call to order/roll call
II.Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation
III.Public communications and comment
IV.Hold public hearings and consider resolutions
1.Proposed increase to room tax rates - On October 14th, the Council requested that a public hearing be scheduled to consider raising the room tax rate from 6% to 7%, effective 1/1/09, to gain more funds for tourism and promotion. The last increase took effect on 1/1/05, when the rate was increased from 5% to 6%.)
2.Proposed increase to taxicab fares - Upon recommendation by the Transportation Commission, the Council authorized submission of a request for federal and state taxi grant funds based upon a $.25 across the board fare increase, effective 1/1/09, and our 2009 budget is based on this, too. At Council’s request, a public hearing has been scheduled to consider this fare increase.)
V.Consent calendar (Unless the Mayor, Council or staff asks that one or more of the items listed below be pulled, this list may be approved with a single vote.)
1.Reports from standing committees and staff
2.Request for street closures (December 5th) – Dickens of a Christmas
VI.Other business
1.Proposed 2009 employee health insurance renewal – Network Health(Staff note: Network Health’s 2009 renewal includes an 11.1% premium hike. This would continue benefit levels required by the agreements with our unions, and it is within the range of premium increases that Network is seeing with most of its other clients
2.Proposed 5-year agreement for assessing services – Action Appraisers(Staff note: At Council’s request, staff sought bids for assessing services under multiple options, as highlighted on the attached spreadsheet. After reviewing the bids, staff recommends Action Appraisers with Option #3, at a cost of $149,500. Our 2009 budget covers the first year amount.
3.Request for “Media Director” position – Cable TV Advisory Committee - At our last budget meeting, the Council showed willingness to add a “Media Director” position, who would be responsible for cable programming, website management, news releases, etc. Proposed budget and a job description are attached.
4.Plan Commission minutes and action items – October 15th
a.Request to amend concept PUD map – Sandmar Village - As noted on the attached map, the developer wants toamend the concept PUD map, replacing the YMCA with seniorapartments. The Commission recommended approval.
b.Declaration of surplus property – land at Hillside/Van Dyke - The City owns a small strip of land on the south side of Hillside Terrace at Van Dyke Avenue. It was likely kept for an entrance to Kiwanis Park, but this is no longer possible. The Plan Commission recommended disposing of it as “surplus property”, as set forth under Wisconsin Statutes.
5.Request to reduce and modify membership for citizen advisory boards
a.Loan Review Board, from 10 to 7 members (3 bankers, mayor, city administrator, one council member, and one citizen at large)
b.Park & Recreation Committee, from 7 to 5 members (we have 5 members now, so no immediate membership change is needed)
VII.Mayor’s communications and appointments
1. Review Community Appearance Team’s preliminary recommendations
VIII.Agenda items for future Council meetings
IX.Adjourn to closed session under Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1)(e) “Deliberating ornegotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session
RE: Possible modification in lease terms for City-owned property
RE: Request to amend developer’s agreement – Sandmar Village