Source: WFDL-AM News
Fond du Lac city and county officials are not giving any specifics about closed door meetings this week regarding what was described in the meeting notice as an economic development opportunity...but WFDL news has learned its about the future of Mercury Marine in Fond du Lac. Sources tell WFDL news that the closed session discussion centers on what the city, county and state can do to help Mercury stay in Fond du Lac. One source says Mercury may consolidate operations with its plant in Stillwater, Oklahoma and the question is whether the company relocates to Oklahoma...or moves its Stillwater operations to Fond du Lac. Merc spokesman, Steve Fleming, said he can't comment specifically on that report...but did say no decisions have been made. "We can't really say much because thats still to be determined by the people who run this company...that certainly would be confidential at this point," Fleming said. "I think the company realizes the importance of this company to the community (Fond du Lac) as well as the importance of our facilities in Stillwater, Oklahoma to that community." Fleming said the company was not consulted about the closed door meetings or told what was on the agenda. "The best thing I can say is we weren't involved in that meeting and we weren't even advised of the agenda of that meeting, and as far as I know we haven't been advised of the results of that meeting," Fleming said. "...we're not even positive it (meeting) was about us, but it certainly could have been." Fond du Lac city councilmember, Mark Jurgella, was asked about the situation on AM 1170's Between the Lines program. "Well we're not going to divulge any of our knowledge of whatever this is yet," Jurgella said. "but just remember whatever happened in the closed session will ultimately be brought to an open session at some point, so you'll know everything when the time comes." The city council and county board met in closed session this week...but no further meetings involving the board or council are scheduled at this time.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Posted by
Aaron Kramer
6/05/2009 10:03:00 AM