I. Call to order/roll call
II. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation
III. Public communications and comment
IV. Resolution – recognizing and commending John Stein for his 30 years of service
(At this time, there will be a short time of refreshments and visiting with Mr. Stein)
V. Presentation – workplan for FCEDC’s Community Specialist (Melissa Hunt)
VI. Consent calendar (Unless the Mayor, Council or staff asks that one or more of the items listed below be pulled, this list may be approved with a single vote.)
1. Resolution – relinquishing sponsorship responsibilities for tennis court project partially funded by a Land & Water Conservation Fund grant, and transferring these responsibilities to the Ripon School District
(Staff note: In 1977, the City obtained a Land & Water Conservation grant to help with costs of the RHS tennis court project. Now DNR has realized that the City doesn’t own this site, and that the school district should be listed as project sponsor. The attached resolution would help clear this up, and staff recommends approval.)
2. Resolution – writing off an uncollectible sewer and water account
(Staff note: Staff periodically asks the Council to write off delinquent sewer and water bills from our accounting records, after all reasonable collection efforts are exhausted. The attached resolution was drafted to write off one account, due to bankruptcy.)
3. Revisions to FTA’s Drug and Alcohol Policy – Ripon Taxi
(Staff note: The Federal Transit Administration has recently revised its Drug and Alcohol Policy. Pat McGinty, owner of Brown Cab Service, Inc., the City’s taxi operator, advised that the City needs to adopt the requested changes in order to stay current with FTA requirements.)
4. "Class B" Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor application for Lazic & Lazic LLC, (trade name) Ripon's Welcome Inn, 240 E Fond du Lac Street, Ripon, WI 54971, Milovan Lazic, Agent, 240 E Fond du Lac Street, Ripon, WI 54971.
VII. Other business
1. Bid – Blackburn Street parking lot project
(Staff note: A bid opening for the Blackburn Street parking lot project will be held on Friday, June 26th. Staff will bring the bid tab sheet and a recommendation to the meeting for your review and consideration.)
2. Breakdown of anticipated streetscape expenses under TIF District #1
(Staff note: On June 9th, the City Council voted to authorize $40,000 in expenses under TID #1 for the first phase of streetscape work, subject to reviewing and approving a rough list of projects, which is attached. The remainder of streetscape is expected to be financed under TID #8.)
3. Plan Commission minutes (June 17th) and one action item noted below
a. Street names for new development at Hwy 23 and Douglas Street
(Staff note: On May 27th, Council rejected proposed names for streets in this development. On June 17th, the Plan Commission voted for Eastgate Drive for the road entering from Hwy 23, and Parkside Street for the street heading east from Douglas Street.)
4. Staff report – concrete quality issue and Newbury Street project update
(Staff note: On June 9th, Council requested an update on the concrete quality concerns. On Monday, staff will provide a report on this issue, along with an update on addressing Newbury Street complaints.)
VIII. Mayor’s communications and appointments
IX. Agenda items for future Council meetings
X. Adjourn to closed session under Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1)(e) “Deliberating or
negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session”
RE: Proposed changes to current agreement with Ripon Medical Center
RE: Request for change to existing developer’s agreement (Rolling Hills)
RE: Option to purchase more land for commercial/industrial development
RE: Request for TIF funds (various districts): high-speed wireless Internet
RE: Request to enter into negotiations for possible purchase of property
Friday, June 26, 2009
Posted by
Aaron Kramer
6/26/2009 02:47:00 PM