I missed the first half-hour of the meeting, so I am writing this based on discussions with the members who were there
COMPREHENSIVE, SMART GROWTH PLAN - The Commission approved a resolution encouraging the Council to adopt the Smart Growth plan with the Town of Ripon, which will be a guiding document for the next 20 years as far as development and zoning.
BUILDING COVENANTS IN THE INDUSTRIAL-BUSINESS PARK - The Commission looked at two existing building covenants, one from Fond du Lac, and appointed Frank Bush and Dennis Cotton as a sub-committee to review these and come back with a list of proposals for our industrial and business parks
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS - The Commission discussed its goals for 2009. They included:
* Eco-ordinances - We want to be pro-active with zoning regulations regarding "green" items, such as windmills, geo-thermal units and solar energy
* Residences in business districts - Currently, it is virtually impossible to add to or alter a home that is in a highway business zone (Disclosure - My home is currently in a Highway Business zone). We may look at changing the zoning restrictions to allow for some minor alterations and additions.
* Master Plan Streets - The city has a map showing projected streets outside the city limits. It has not been updated in over a decade. The Commission would like to review the map, with input from the town of Ripon
That is all - Any questions, ask
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Posted by
Aaron Kramer
1/22/2009 09:48:00 AM