1. Request for extension to use "Class B" liquor license – Boca Grande - On October 14th, the Council granted a 90-day extension to Boca Grande to use its "Class B" liquor license for 312 Watson Street, formerly Big Stella’s, or to appear before the Council with an update on their plans and to seek s longer extension. Frank Cumberbatch, representing Boca Grande, appeared befor the Council tonight, asking for an extension until June 1st. The Council approve the request by a 4-3 vote. There is still one liquor license which is unused in the city's possession/
2. Contract – shared FCEDC community development specialist position - The approved 2009 budget includes $35,000 toward a new FCEDC staff position, shared with North Fond du Lac and Waupun, in lieu of funds previously given to RCDC. FCEDC drafted a contract for approval by each community, which the Council approved tonight unanimously. The new employee, Melissa Hunt, begins her employment with FCEDC on January 19th.
3. Ordinance – establishing maximum distance between street lights - On August 25th, the Council approved a motion directing staff to prepare an ordinance to set a maximum distance of 400 feet between street lights. The staff wanted clarification on when this applies, and if the intent was to retroactively address areas where the standard isn’t met. I proposed that the staff bring back an ordinance which makes the 400-foot rule the standard for all new and reconstructed streets, and allow city staff to make the decisions on street lighting requests on existing streets, with the residents having an appeal opportunity before the Council.
4. Possible goals and workplan items for 2008 - In the past, we’ve adopted an annual workplan to set goals and keep us on track during the year. A review of last year’s workplan showed we reached nearly all of our goals, and my proposed goals were published on this website earlier this week.
5. Update – use of 2007 budget surplus monies for approved projects -
* $21,000 – emergency fund for fuel overruns - As of right now, it appears that we did not use much of this money due to the drop in gas prices
* $20,000 – construction of 2 concrete dugouts for girls softball field in Murray Park - Working with Howard Hansen, the city's Park and Rec Committe chairman, and a number of local businesses and volunteers, I believe we will be able to build FOUR new dugouts in the spring, at a total price less than the $20,000 we originally thought. I have asked the Council to use some of the money (less than $1,000) to build a pathway and install some small benches around the Forever Young Memorial, which was dedicated in Barlow Park late last year.
* $10,000 – purchase of additional and replacement playground equipment - Staff is working on a plan which may involved the replacement of some of our larger playground equipment in 2009, and rolling this money into the package
* $ 9,000 – consultant fee for determining feasibility of moving rail system through Ripon - Staff has not yet signed a contract with the consultant we have identified
* $ 6,000 – repair for Street lights in Barlow Park - The company we signed on with did not get to the work late last year, so the work will be done in 2009
* $ 3,000 – replace toilet partitions in Ceresco Park - Same answer as the street lights repair in Barlow Park
Mayor’s communications and appointments - Several appointments to the Historic Preservation Committee were approved. Interested in serving the city? Contact me, as we have several committee openings on the horizon in 2009.
Agenda items for future Council meetings - The Council directed the staff to look at the steps needed to extend the mayor's term from two to four years. Let me be VERY clear on this. I did not initiate, nor am I advocating this change, but, from my personal observations, a four-year term, which would be the same as the Council's terms, would be a definite positive for the city.
NOTE: Under the public comment portion of the meeting, two residents spoke about the Newbury Street project. The Council last month voted to NOT change the dimensions of the project (street width, sidewalk width and tree removal) for the second half of the project. Alderwoman Barb Miller asked that we re-visit the issue again in the future. As the mayor, it is my responsibility and decision to place items on the agenda. I will consider Mrs. Miller's request, as well as the issues raised by the residents, and make a decision in the next 5-7 days on whether to bring the issue back to the Council for another discussion. Bids on the second half of the Newbury Project will go out in the end of February.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
COUNCIL MEETING - January 13th Recap
Posted by
Aaron Kramer
1/13/2009 09:52:00 PM