I. Call to order/roll call
II. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation
III. Public communications and comment
IV. Consent calendar (Unless the Mayor, Council or staff asks that one or more of the items listed below be pulled, this list may be approved with a single vote.)
1. Ordinance – writing off uncollectible personal property accounts
2. Plan Commission minutes – October 21st
3. Resolution – authorize request for local road improvement grant funds
V. Other business
1. Ordinance – adopting restrictions regarding burning within the City - The attached ordinance is based largely on Fond du Lac’s ordinance, with added language from DNR’s model ordinance on burn barrels, and the City of Beaver Dam’s “open burning” definition. Burn barrels could be used one day a week, provided appropriate materials are burned. The distance from structures would be set at 25 feet. At this time, it seems likely the issue will be tabled until November as more fine-tuning is needed.
2. Ordinance – repealing and recreating the City’s floodplain ordinance - The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has written a model floodplain ordinance, and they are requiring that cities across Wisconsin adopt this, or something similar. The attached ordinance is based on their model. After holding the public hearing on October 21st, Plan Commission recommended approval as written.
3. New 3-year agreement for audit services (2010-2012) – Schenck - As shown on the attached memo from Lori Rich, Assistant to the City Administrator, staff solicited bids for auditing services, and Schenck was the lowest price of the 4 bids received at $57,300. Staff is pleased with their work, and recommends that we enter into a 3-year agreement with Schenck for 2010-2012 as outlined in their proposal.
4. Proposed 2010 employee health insurance renewal – Network Health - The City’s retirees are being split off onto a plan separate from current staff. With this, and increasing deductibles ($3500 single; $7000 family), the base premium stays flat, and the estimated overall hike, including HRA, is 6%. Staff recommends approval.
5. Update – status of 2009 workplan items and other recent issues
VI. Mayor’s communications and appointments
VII. Agenda items for future Council meetings
VIII. Adjourn
Friday, October 23, 2009
Posted by
Aaron Kramer
10/23/2009 11:15:00 PM