* Proposed tree ordinance/policy; guidelines for future street projects - The proposed tree ordinance/policy, and standards/guidelines for the Newbury and Ransom Street projects was formally presented by David Sakrison and Ruth and Paul Jeffries. Staff was directed to draft a memo outlining the fiscal impact of the proposed ordinance and present it to the council on August 24th, with a vote expected in September.
* Report on possible future expansion needs for Ripon Public Library - The City is now seeking proposals to redevelop the former Smuckers property, including the land where Agri-Blenders is located. The library board reviewed possible future space needs to ensure they reserve any more land needed. The library is asking for 100 feet of land to the west of their current facility. The proposal will be considered along with proposal for the development of the overall property.
* Ordinance – restrictions for burning materials in the City of Ripon - On July 27th, the Council held a public listening session on tightening burning requirements, and asked staff to draft an ordinance, based on one from the City of Fond du Lac. The City Attorney drafted an ordinance to be presented for review on Tuesday night. Another proposal has been drafted by Alderwoman Jane Schueler. The issue was tabled until August 24th to review both proposals.
* Engineering and construction cost to replace the Liberty Street bridge - The Liberty Street bridge is in need of significant repair or replacement. The Public Works Director suggests replacing the bridge at an estimated cost of $150,000. No monies have been budgeted, but the council voted to use some of the funds set aside for the 2010 re-construction of Newbury Street and do the work this year to replace the bridge.
* Request – use of Murray Park during nighttime hours - Justin Propp has requested permission to shoot a film in the park, but he was not present at the meeting, and the issue was tabled.
August 19th - Plan Commission
August 24th - City Council
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
COUNCIL RECAP - August 11th
Posted by
Aaron Kramer
8/12/2009 12:48:00 AM