CITY OF RIPON - COMMON COUNCIL MEETING - Council chambers, City Hall - 7:00 p.m.
I. Call to order/roll call
II. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation
III. Public communications and comment
IV. Public listening session – possible restrictions regarding burning within the City - Staff note: Staff has proposed adopting an ordinance similar to the attached one from the City of Fond du Lac, with addition of attached language from the NFPA Uniform Fire Code section 10.11, requested by the Fire Chief. Tonight’s purpose is simply to listen to residents, and decide whether to put this on a future agenda.)
V. Consent calendar (Unless the Mayor, Council or staff asks that one or more of the items listed below be pulled, this list may be approved with a single vote.)
1. Reports from standing committees and staff
2. Resolution – establishing an identity theft prevention program - Staff note: The Federal Trade Commission is asking local governments to adopt its rules, designed to detect, prevent, and mitigate identity theft. The attached resolution, written for this purpose, is recommended for approval.
3. Request to use City streets for Tractor Cruise on Saturday, August 29th - Staff note: The attached information, including a map, is provided in support of the 2009 Ripon/Green Lake Benefit Tractor Cruise, planned for Saturday, August 29th. As part of this event, they are seeking the City’s permission for what may be up to 100 tractors to use Watson & West Fond du Lac Streets as they leave the City, and Griswold Street as they return. Staff does not object, subject to a “hold harmless” agreement and a proper certificate of insurance.
VI. Other business
1. Possible traffic change in alley between State Street and Ripon College - Staff note: Residents have concerns about volume and speed of traffic in the State Street alley. Their responses show areas of agreement and disagreement. Staff recommends posting a 10-mph speed limit, and designating the alley for one-way traffic, from Ransom to Elm Streets. In any event, staff believes the alley should be “one-way”, since traffic volume has risen, and 2 cars cannot meet and safely get by each other.
2. Resolution – establishing a general preference for local vendors - Staff note: The City now offers a 2% preference to companies located in Ripon when the police department buys squad cars. Mayor Kramer is requesting that the policy be extended to acquisition of all goods and services, with the preference increased to 4%.
3. Policy – guidelines for persons speaking under “Public Comment” - Staff note: Historically, the Council has accepted citizen input under “Public communications and comment” without restrictions, other than a 5-minute limit. After reviewing a policy enacted by the Ripon School District, the Mayor is asking Council to adopt the attached resolution.
4. 2010 budget schedule; input from Mayor/Council on goals/parameters - Staff note: The 2010 budget schedule is attached for your approval. As in past years, staff wants the Mayor and Council’s input on goals, priorities, parameters, etc. This will be a challenging year, due in part to reductions in state aid. Please give us your thoughts and concerns.
VII. Mayor’s communications and appointments
VIII. Agenda items for future Council meetings
RE: Proposed developer’s agreement for new mixed-use project
RE: Proposed developer’s agreement for new commercial project
RE: Counteroffer for option to buy land for business/industrial uses
RE: Performance concerns with certain 2008 public improvement projects
WHEREAS, the City of Ripon regularly purchases a wide variety of goods and services through receiving and comparing quotes and estimates; and,
WHEREAS, the City desires to support local vendors to the greatest degree possible, in order to help promote and encourage economic development in our community; and,
WHEREAS, local vendors would be defined as businesses in which the primary office is located within the corporate boundaries of the City of Ripon.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby authorizes and directs City staff to grant a 4% preference to local vendors when comparing estimates and quotes for the purchase of all goods and services, whenever practical. However, under no circumstances shall local vendor preference exceed $20,000 on one project or purchase.
WHEREAS, Ripon City Council meetings are held in full accordance with all applicable requirements of Wisconsin Statutes; and,
WHEREAS, time is allowed at the start of each regular Council meeting for comments and concerns from citizens regarding items not on the meeting agenda; and,
WHEREAS, although the Council will not take action in response to comments made by members of the public during this time, it may choose to direct City staff to research the issue, and consider placing it on the agenda for a future meeting; and,
WHEREAS, reasonable guidelines are needed to ensure that this portion of the meeting is a positive and productive time for all involved.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Ripon City Council hereby adopts the following guidelines for the “Public Comment” portion of its regular meetings:
1. Speakers must register on a sign-up form prior to the start of the meeting.
2. The Mayor will recognize registered speakers in the order on the sign-up form.
3. Speakers should begin their remarks by clearly stating their name and address.
4. Comments should be addressed to the Mayor/Council, not to staff or the audience.
5. Comments should be limited to no more than 5 minutes in length.
6. Comments should be limited to items not on the meeting agenda. The chairperson of the meeting reserves the right to allow public comment on agenda items.
7. Comments exceeding the 5-minute limit, or that are personal, abusive, obscene, or irrelevant, may be terminated by the Mayor.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Posted by
Aaron Kramer
7/27/2009 12:29:00 PM