SOURCE: Fond du Lac Reporter
WAUPUN — A Waupun businessman spearheading a recall effort to oust Mayor Jodi Steger for not firing City Administrator Gary Rogers says his motives behind the attempt aren't personal. Spirits tavern owner Daniel Ganz told Waupun Common Council members Tuesday night that the larger issue behind the political maneuvering is to bring an awareness to citizens on how City Hall is being run.
"For the last few months, I have been bringing my concerns forward and been made to feel like an outcast," Ganz said. "Right now, we are at an exciting time in Waupun. We have a new Chamber of Commerce president who is going to pull the business community together and four new council members. But part of the old council is still here, and that's Gary (Rogers) and he needs to go. This council needs to know how urgent this is. There's important decisions to be made that are going to affect us for a long time."
Newly elected Alderman Dale Schmidt told Ganz that the recall effort was like a "slap in the face" to the newly seated council. "This is not the same council, and you need to give us an opportunity to do the work that you elected us to do," Schmidt said. "We haven't even heard the issues yet. Give us the opportunity to act on them."
Council vote required
Alderman Jim Van Buren told Ganz that the removal of the city administrator required a full council vote, not a sole directive by the mayor. "It seems like you're targeting the wrong person to fire the city administrator. We do have to follow policy and procedures or we could be looking at a very large wrongful termination suit or other legal action," VanBuren said.
During the 90-minute community participation session, several residents expressed concern about perceived lack of communication from City Hall, especially concerning details of the New Haven Development and multi-million dollar expansion and remodeling projects at the Safety Building, City Garage and Public Library.
"When the council talked about spending over $3 million on these building projects, there were very few people in the audience. But when the deer feeding ban issue came before the council, there were over 40 people here," VanBuren said. "I'm very sensitive to the fact that we need more participation (from the public), and we want to know what level of communication you want to achieve from us."
Mayor responds
In defense of Rogers, Steger read a prepared statement, outlining the progressive changes that have occurred under the direction of the city administrator over the past six years, including an annual savings of more than $800,000 to taxpayers in reduced city employee health insurance benefits, dispatch consolidation and out-sourced services. Steger also took issue with charges that she hasn't listened to constituents. Since elected to city office in 1997, first as an alderman and in 2004 as mayor, Steger said she has always valued citizen input.
"I've always been willing to listen to citizen concerns whether here at the office or at home," said the mayor. Steger also disputed Ganz's claim that the recall effort isn't personal in nature. "How much more personal can you get when you put your heart and soul into a job that you've been doing for a community that you love?" Steger said. "And to have a recall brought against me for something I can't even control — how can that not be personal?"
In order to bring a recall election against Steger, Ganz needs to collect at least 750 signatures of Waupun residents within 60 days. Steger requested that an unbiased third party be brought in to verify all signatures.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Posted by
Aaron Kramer
5/13/2009 11:11:00 AM