A reader posted a number of questions recently about a proposed annexation into the City of Ripon, which the Plan Commission will consider Wednesday evening. Here is a list of the recent annexations, going back to 2004:
Jun 15, 2005 - City Engineer Travis Drake reported that a request has been received to annex a second property adjacent to a parcel annexed a few years ago on Radio Road from the Town of Ripon to the City of Ripon. A cost estimate for extension of sewer and water main to service this property is being worked on, and staff will be meeting with the petitioners next Tuesday. The Commission unanimously approved the annexation request.
June 23, 2005 - The City Administrator reported to the Board of Public Works that a request for annexation of property located at N7887 Radio Road has been received due to a failing septic system. It was noted that annexation of the adjacent property occurred a few years ago. The Board unanimousl recommended that the Common Council to direct City staff to proceed with the annexation and authorize the City Engineer to prepare a cost estimate for extension of sewer and water main for this parcel.
July 12, 2005 - After Alderman Bill Boesch questioned the section of the ordinance regarding payment of taxes when a property is annexed, the City Administrator replied that recently the state passed a law stating that when property is annexed from one municipality to another, (in this case from the town to the city), that the tax payments for the next five years will go to the town instead of the city. The Council then approved the ordinance annexing property at
N7887 Radio Road, Ripon, WI to the City of Ripon.
April 16, 2006 - The City Administrator informed the Plan Commission that Chet Fenner wants the City to annex 240 of land south and east of the City limits. Fritz Ebert and Gary Page, Town of Ripon supervisors, voiced concern that there is no development plan or overall plan for the area, and asked the City to table this request. The Commission asked Barg to schedule a public hearing for the May 17th Plan Commission meeting, and work with Ebert to set up a meeting prior to this date for Town and City officials to discuss the Town’s concerns.
May 17, 2006 - Chet Fenner wants the City to annex 240 acres south and east of the City limits. Attorney John Blazel told the Plan Commission that there must be a present or future need for the land. Fritz Ebert spoke in opposition, asking that it be tabled until a joint "Smart Growth" plan is adopted. The Commission unanimously approved the annexation request, with the temporary zoning classification to be agricultural.
June 13, 2006 - Upon being advised that no action could be taken until after the state submits its report, the Council voted to table the Fenner annexation request (item B1) for one month.
Oct 10, 2006 - The Council unanimously accepted a petition from Chet Fenner to annex approximately 240 acres of land into the City of Ripon. The land is located to the south and southeast of the City’s current border.
Oct 10, 2006 - The Council, after significant discussion, involving Fritz Ebert (Chairman for the Ripon Town Board) and Steve Sorenson (attorney for Chet Fenner), unanimously approved a motion to annex Mr. Fenner’s 240 acres into the City of Ripon.
Nov 1, 2006 - The Plan Commission unanimously approved the annexation of two parcels totaling 3.7 acres on the north side of West Fond du Lac Street, just west of Plaza Bowl, with a requested zoning designation of B-2 (highway business).
Nov 27, 2006 - The Council unanimously approved the annexation.
Feb 21, 2007 - The Plan Commission unanimously approved a proposed annexation of 20 acres along the east side of Metomen Street, and to designate the land as R-1 (single-family residential) zoning. This request was sent to City Council for its February 26th meeting, provided an advisory report is received from the State by that time.
Feb 26, 2007 - The Council unanimously accepted the submitted petition and to approve the ordinance to annex approximately 20 acres of land into the City of Ripon along the east side of Hwy 44/49, just south of the current City limits.
Sept 19, 2007 - The Plan Commission approved a request to the State of Wisconsin to annex 58 acres recently purchased north and east of Highway 44 and Douglas Street in the Town of Ripon.
Dec 11, 2007 - The Council approved the annexation.
Nov 19, 2008 - The Plan Commission unanimously recommend that the City Council approve a request from Steve and Jenny Machkovich for annexation of approximately 150 acres located generally east and south of the intersection of Highway 23 and Douglas Street.
Dec 15, 2008 - After receiving concerns from Ripon Town Board chairman Fritz Ebert regarding the possible creation of a Town "island" and questions on whether all property owners signed the petition form, the Council unanimously approved a motion to approve the ordinance accepting annexation of 151 acres of land south and east of Highway 23 and Douglas Street, subject to verification that all property owners have signed the petition form.
Mar 18, 2009 - The Plan Commission is scheduled to hear a request from Robert Grasse, Jr. to annex 9 acres south of Highway 44 and north of Olden Road into the City.
Feb 21, 2007 - I suggested that the Commission adopt a moratorium against annexations until the joint Smart Growth plan is presented for approval to the Town Board and City Council, or January 1, 2009, whichever is first. I noted that, under his plan, annexations can still be approved, if the City and Town agree. The Plan Commission discussed this proposal, but agreed not to pursue it at this time, as it would serve to tie the City’s hands.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Posted by
Aaron Kramer
3/17/2009 10:24:00 AM