This is one of those nights where the City Council and School Board will hold meetings on the same night. I wish I could attend the Board meeting, but my time is required elsewhere, obviously. There are a couple of interesting "nuggets" on tonight's School Board agenda I am keeping tabs on...
Special Presentations
Carol Wirth (Wisconsin Public Finance Professionals) - Carol with present information on refinancing the District’s debt and projectionsfor new referendum debt as the Board considers referendum options.
New business
Consider approval of Wellness Policy revision—first reading (#09-35) - The current Wellness policy prohibits the sale of soda at any events. This prohibition includes selling to the public at Ripon College games at Ingalls Field, WIAA tournaments at Ingalls Field and the RHS gym, all community events held on school premises, and events for which school facilities have been rented. The Board is being asked to reconsider the current soda ban that extends to events not associated with Ripon schools.
Business-Related Services
Teacher Benefit Package summary 2008-09 (R-09-70) - Attached is the breakdown of teacher fringe benefits that total an average of $26,159 per teacher. Average wages are $51,833. Total compensation for 2008-09 averages $77,992. If you would like to compare this to Fond du Lac County's averages, click here.
Referendum options for April 2009 - At last month’s meeting the Board directed the administration to research options for a possible referendum to be held in April 2009. The
administration will report on options.
A number of people have told me this could be an interesting meeting...
Monday, December 15, 2008
Posted by
Aaron Kramer
12/15/2008 10:43:00 AM