After further thought, I have decided not to exercise my veto authority on the council's recent granting of an extension to Ripon Restaurant Group, which holds a liquor license they obtained when they purchased 312 Watson Street (Big Stella's) on the following grounds:
1 - I have five days to do, not seven, as I thought
2 - We have another license in reserve, which is not being requested by any other party. Yes, the VFW did request the license, and was denied by the Council. They have not come back to request it since.
3 - Ripon Restaurant Group has shown no malicious or sinister motives in requesting the extension. I am sure the conspiracy theorists out there will continue to believe I am "in bed" with Boca Grande, and Ripon College, and the people trying to take over the VFW, and the turf supporters, et cetera, et cetera. Sorry, I don't have a bed that big, and, besides, I only want to share my bed with one person....I married her. Except on Saturday morning, when my daughter climbs in to wake up Daddy for breakfast.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Posted by
Aaron Kramer
10/21/2008 03:21:00 PM