Public hearing – nursery/garden supply store – Jahns Lawn & Landscaping
I believe a fair compromise with Jahns Lawn and Landscaping, and the neighborhood, has been reached. A new conditional use permit, which more accurately reflects what Jahns' is doing, was passed, along with some restrictions. Jahns can only do composting (outside of an approved area) in May and September-October, when there is a considerable amount of leaf and branch cleanup. They also must install a concrete barrier and planting to shield their business from the neighborhood by September 2010. They also have to install some tiling for drainage, which Jahns has already agreed to.
Public hearing – proposed creation of Tax Incremental Financing District #8
This creates a new downtown TIF, which essentially overlaps the current TID (#1), which will close in the next 2-3 years (see below). The main driver for the new district is Boca Grande, the Milwaukee-based investment company which has purchased over twenty downtown properties. It is important to remember that the plan is only the first step in the TIF. Each individual project and expenditure will be judged on its own merits as the plan progresses. Boca Grande is proposing a number of projects, including but not limited to:
* An $8.5 million hotel and spa on the current Mapes Hotel site, merged with the American House (which Boca Grande has tentatively purchased)
* A $4-5 million Republican Museum on the site of the current Republican House and Little White Schoolhouse. This could be a key step in more fully utilizing the landmark.
* A $4.5 million office building to be constructed at a later date on an undisclosed site.
There are other projects for the downtown (burying overhead power lines, streetscaping, a revolving loan fund and facade grant program) that will be part of the TIF. It is NOT all for Boca Grande, despite what some people will think. PLEASE email me with questions and concerns, before believing some of the rumors floating around. There will be opponents to the plan, and we will work with them to understand their concerns. I have not been worried at all about the level of involvement and information Boca Grande has shown and provided in this process. The proposed plan goes to the City Council for their approval on September 29th.
Public hearing – proposed amendment of project plan for Tax Incremental Financing District #5
This will allow TID #5 (Alliance Laundry) to share its revenue with the downtown TIF (#1) in order to close it earlier and place it on the tax rolls, possibly reducing everyone's mill rate at that time.
Review of preliminary Certified Survey Map draft – Jeff and Kathy Fischer
The Commission asked that Fischer's bring back a CSM which shows the road may be built in the future, without dedicating it to the city at this time.
Certified Survey Map – City of Ripon (land on Stanton Street in industrial park)
This allows for the sale of roughly nine acres to Advanced Paper Enterprises, which is currently building a new facility in the old Industrial Park (you can't miss all the dirt being moved). They are on an aggressive timetable, which can be read about here -
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Posted by
Aaron Kramer
9/16/2008 11:54:00 AM