Here are my comments and thoughts on the most recent City Council meeting - August 12th 2008, including the comments which were available on the agenda.
Response to street lighting concern on Newbury Street (Dave Gray)
On July 28th, Dave Gray, who resides at 733 Newbury, requested more lighting on his street. The only standard currently found in the city code suggests there should be a light at each intersection, but it doesn’t address longer blocks, like Newbury Street. Our city staff has asked the City’s tree contractor to remove branches covering existing lights. Also, we are arranging a meeting with Alliant, and we expect to have a further report for the August 25th Council meeting.
Accept low bid for the Stoney Ridge Road extension – Kopplin & Kinas
The City has secured all land needed to extend Stoney Ridge Road north to West Fond du Lac Street. This is adjacent to McDonalds. The project has been bid out, and staff recommends acceptance of the low bid of $259,555.32, with payment to come from funds being borrowed from the State Trust Fund loan program under TIF District #6. We budgeted $225,000 for the project, but will be able to borrow the amount we need. TIF District #6 is in fine financial condition, and will pay back the loan in 2-3 years. Work should begin the next few weeks.
Consider issues related to "Class B" liquor licenses
a. Ordinance – maximum of 90 days allowed without using license - On July 28th, Council directed the City Administrator to work with the City Attorney to draft an ordinance closing the "loophole" which allows a "Class B" liquor license holder to be closed for more than 90 consecutive days, just because it covers 2 license years. This ordinance was approved unanimously.
b. Minimum standards for the acceptable level of alcohol service - The council also discussed, during the July 28th meeting, the issue of setting a minimum level of alcohol service expected for "Class B" licenses. As requested by the Council, the city administrator sent letters to the current license holders, inviting them to hear this discussion. A representative from Sodexho/Ripon College and Boca Grande appeared to address the Council. Boca Grande, which holds several licenses, including two which are inactive, informed the council that the former Rita's restaurant site will be re-opened with a new restaurant by the end of September, but their plans for the former Big Stella's site remain uncertain at this time. They also told us that Roadhouse will be expanded to the south, and a full bar added to the establishment. The council decided to take no more action on the issue.
Ordinance – permitting use of Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEVs)
Based on discussion at the July 8th Council meeting, the City Attorney drafted an ordinance allowing Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEVs). It is based largely on the Waupun model that we reviewed earlier, and it limits NEV use to City streets, but they would be allowed to cross state trunk highways. The ordinance passed 6-1, with Alderwoman Scheuler in opposition. The main concern is the fact that some of these vehicles, which may not be able to go more than 25 miles per hour, will be able to travel on streets which have a 35 MPH speed limit. We will monitor the situation as the law takes effect.
Final draft – City’s financial plan for the 3-year period from 2009-2011
On July 28th, the Council agreed to adopt a 3-year financial plan this year, due to increases in debt service payments in 2012-2013, and other uncertainties. It was agreed that the plan could include borrowing in an amount up to that paid in principal on existing debt for the same 3 years. With these guidelines, staff drafted a plan which does not involve ANY borrowing in 2009 (while we pay off over $320,000 in debt) and still allows us to do slightly more than $1 million in capital projects, including the Blackburn Street Parking Lot, the second half of Newbury Street and replace several old pieces of equipment. I am particularly pleased that we can do this with no new borrowing.
Resolutions – support for the issuance of industrial revenue bonds
a. Consideration and Adoption of an Initial Resolution Relating to Industrial Development Revenue Bond Financing on behalf of Advanced Paper Enterprise, Inc
b. Consideration and Adoption of a Resolution Waiving the Requirements of Wis. Stat. 66.1103(11)(b)1. in connection with Industrial Development Revenue Bond (IRB) Financing on behalf of Advanced Paper Enterprise, Inc. - The council approved the backing of $2 million in IRB's for Advanced Paper, which will allow the company to expand its operations and workforce. The company is currently located in the former Smucker's warehouse along Silver Creek.7.
Stormwater management warrant system; review of recent complaints
Due in large part to recent heavy rains, the City’s stormwater management approach is being called into question. The issue is: when should the City take an active role in complaints, and what is our role in addressing these issues. The council reviewed the current warrant system, which was adopted 3 years ago, along with a list of problem areas discussed at that time. The bottom line remains simple: Who is going to pay for the improvements, if needed, and, if it is the city, does this mean a stormwater utility tax and/or increased general taxes. No decisions were made, but we can expect the issue to come back at the August 25th council meeting and future meetings.
Discuss issues related to the quality of our parks maintenance services
At our last meeting, Councilmember Brockman asked that this issue be put on the August 12th agenda. He was concerned about the condition of the Murray Park diamonds after receiving several complaints at a recent tournanment. It appears there is a breakdown in communication regarding when tournaments are being held. I am hopeful that staff will come up with a better system so everyone involved is keeping each other informed, so the diamonds are groomed and we can be proud to host their tournaments.
Update – status of the revolving loan fund and our current loan portfolio
At our last meeting, Councilmember Schueler asked for an update on our revolving loan fund and loan portfolio. While we have some delinquent loans, the overall balance of the fund is almost $180,000. We have adequate resources to be able to work with prospective companies and start-up businesses looking to get going in Ripon. If you are interested in the loan program, please contact our city administrator, Steve Barg, at
It was a busy Council meeting, and August 25th promises to be just as action-packed LOL. We can also expect to see the proposed 2009 budget from the city staff in the next few weeks. A reminder of the following Plan Commission meetings:
AUGUST 18 - Continued discussion of the Smart Growth plan
AUGUST 20 - The Commission will take up the Sandmar subdvision issue (the developer wants to move some of the components, a senior living apartment and an assisted living project) and a request to move a master plan street from the Kathy and Jeff Fischer property.
If you have any comments, complaints or suggestions on these issues and others, email me - - or call me at 920-291-5250 (cell) or 745-2578 (home). Thanks for your time.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Posted by
Aaron Kramer
8/13/2008 04:35:00 PM