Much has been written and said for the past several months about the installation of FieldTurf on Ingalls Field in Ripon. First, let me say that I am a member of the committee raising funds for the turf, and have applied for and been awarded grant money for the project. I want to take a moment and provide my take on this issue. Remember, these are MY opinions, and mine only, and I will list the opinions which I disagree with:
* FieldTurf is dangerous - Yes, I have read the literature from both sides. And all I can really say is that, if you believe anyone on the committee or any of the other supporters would promote a product which is harmful, you are not being realistic. I do not believe the evidence is there to make the claim the turf is harmful.
* The voters said NO to FieldTurf - This has been hashed and rehashed ad nauseum. The voters said NO to borrowing money to install the Turf. The question on the ballot never asked whether the voters wanted turf or not. More than a decade ago, the voters said no to borrowing money for Murray Park Elementary. They did not say no to the school, as a second vote showed. In the case of FieldTurf, the voters said they did not want to borrow money for the project, so the supporters took a different approach to reaching their goals
* This will raise my taxes - As recently as this Monday, Superintendent Richard Zimman said the turf project would have no impact on the school levy. He made the comments at a local forum of city and county leaders, sponsored by the League of Women Voters.
* The letter of credit from Johnson Bank has to be illegal - Think about this closely. Would a financial institution, regulated by the federal and state governments, become involved in an agreement which would violate the law? Sensible people would see it would not
* We should study the issue more - Why? The turf has been installed in a number of professional and college stadiums, including one where a Super Bowl was played. I am leery, at times, of people who say projects should be halted for more study. Do they want more studies, or are they hoping the delay will lead to the project disappearing?
I believe the FieldTurf is a positive for the city of Ripon, and the region. You can disagree with me, and I have heard from you. We will agree to disagree, and that is the bottom line. If you have more questions on the turf - email me
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Posted by
Aaron Kramer
10/30/2007 11:07:00 AM