Council Chambers, City Hall
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
7:00 p.m.
I. Call to order/roll call
II. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation
III. Public communications and comment
1. Update – status of plans to allow limited deer hunting by Team Ripon
IV. Consent calendar
1. Ordinance – annexing land north and east of Hwy 44 & Douglas Street
2. Plan Commission minutes – November 20th
a. Certified Survey Map – City of Ripon (new industrial park site)
3. Resolution – appointment of various election officials for 2-year terms
4. Resolution – writing off certain uncollectible accounts for services
5. Resolution – authorizing limited bow hunting by Team Ripon
V. Other business
1. Resolution – approving special assessments for Stanton Street project
(Staff note: Last month, the Council held a public hearing on special assessments for the Stanton Street project. At that time, the new owner of Stanton Street Estates voiced concern on the amount assessed to this apartment complex. He argued that only front footage should be used, and that residential units should not be a factor. Staff reviewed various options and recommends that TID #5 cover 2/3 of general construction costs assigned to the 2 properties in this district - Stanton Street Estates and Alliance Laundry Systems. This cuts Stanton Street Estates general construction assessment from $48,635 to $16,212, and total assessment from $57,611 to $25,188, with a similar percentage for Alliance. The owner of the apartments finds this proposal to be acceptable.)
2. Application for “Class B” liquor license - Classic Adventures, LLC
(Staff note: In early November, the City solicited applications for the available “Class B” liquor license surrendered by Longshots. Attached is an application from Classic Adventures, LLC, which is the only one received. The Police Chief and City Attorney reviewed the materials submitted, and they have no concerns with this applicant.)
3. Agreements for various municipal services
a) Health insurance – Network Health
(Staff note: The City received the attached renewal notice from
its current health insurance provider – Network Health – and it
includes a 9% premium increase. This is below the average in
the area, and staff recommends approval.)
b) City assessor – Action Appraisers & Consultants, Inc.
(Staff note: The City solicited proposals for assessing services
for the 5-year period from 2008-2012. As noted on the attached memo from Assistant to the City Administrator Lori Rich, staff recommends Action Appraisals, at the cost of $149,500 over the 5-year period (includes a revaluation in 2012).
c) Property insurance – recommendation to be made at the meeting
(Staff note: The City solicited proposals for property/liability
insurance for the 3-year period from 2008-2010. Staff is now
reviewing 6 bids submitted, and will offer a recommendation at Tuesday night’s meeting.)
4. 2008 agreement with independent contractor for recreation services
(Staff note: On November 26th, Councilmember Schueler asked that the City seek bids for the independent contractor for recreation services. As noted on the November 20th Park & Recreation Committee minutes, the Committee recommends signing a new 1-year contract with the current provider. The 2007 contract and list of expectations for the independent contractor are attached for your review.)
5. Ordinance – charging and collecting fees for fire calls
(Staff note: The Ripon Area Fire District wants its municipalities to adopt ordinances similar to the attached one, establishing charges for responding to fire calls, and setting a procedure where the municipality is responsible for certifying any unpaid bills to the property tax roll. On Tuesday, we will discuss the attached ordinance, and if it is found to be acceptable, staff will put it on our January agenda as an action item.)
6. Review and discuss proposed Downtown Ripon Strategic Plan
(Staff note: On November 26th, Vandewalle presented the Downtown Ripon Strategic Plan. The intent is for Council and other organizations to adopt the plan in the next couple of months, then the implementation phase can begin. On Tuesday, we will discuss the plan, particularly the recommendations that would require City participation.)
7. Request from Deer Advisory Team – use of contingency funds
(Staff note: On November 28th, the Deer Advisory Team met to discuss the results of recent Council meetings. At that time, the team approved a motion asking Council to reserve the $5000 placed in contingency for a sharpshooter, in case it is needed for this purpose later in 2008.)
8. Resolution – salary increases for Mayor and City Council members
(Staff note: It has been several years since the last pay increase given to the mayor and council, and a survey of comparable cities indicates that we might have fallen behind a bit in compensating our elected officials. Discarding the highest and lowest salaries, the average of these cities is $6900 for mayor and $3570 for council members. Based on this data, staff drafted the attached resolution increasing pay to $7000 for mayor and $3600 for council, effective with officials elected in April 2008.)
VI. Reports from standing committees and staff
1. Community Development Authority minutes – October 10th
2. Historic Preservation minutes – November 5th
3. Ripon Area Fire District minutes – November 14th
4. Park & Recreation Committee minutes – November 20th
5. Loan Review Board minutes – November 26th
6. Common Council minutes – November 26th (special and regular meetings)
7. Ripon Public Library minutes – November 27th
8. Board of Zoning Appeals – November 28th
9. Building Inspector’s report – November
10. EMS report – November
11. Public Works report – November
12. Fire District report – November
13. Police Department report – November
14. Senior Center report – November
15. City Administration reports
a. Treasurer’s report – November
b. Budget report – November
c. Check Register – November
VII. Mayor communications and appointments
VIII. Agenda items for future Council meetings
IX. Adjourn to closed session under Wisconsin Statutes 19.85 (1)(e) “Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session”
RE: Possible acquisition of land
RE: Contract for services – comprehensive plan
RE: Lease and agreement for use of City property
Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1)(c) “Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility”
RE: 2008 pay increases for non-union employees
RE: City Administrator’s review and new contract
Monday, December 10, 2007
Posted by
Aaron Kramer
12/10/2007 07:28:00 PM
(Ripon, WI – December 10, 2007) – Ripon Mayor Aaron Kramer will seek another term in office, announcing his intention to seek re-election in the April 2008 election. Kramer was first selected as Mayor by the Common Council in a special election in June 2003. He was unopposed in his first re-election bid in April 2004, and his re-election bid in April 2006.
“As I have in the past, I weigh my decision to seek re-election on two questions – can I provide the leadership the citizens have earned and deserve, and do the good days outweigh the bad days as mayor,” said Kramer. “As has been the case in previous years, I believe the answer to both is a resounding yes.”
Kramer noted that the previous two years have been very productive for the City of Ripon. “When I sought re-election in 2006, I aimed for three goals: an expansion of the city’s industrial park, a commitment to the city’s infrastructure, and more positive moves toward beautifying the community overall,” said Kramer. “We have met the first two of the goals and are working harder than ever toward the third.”
Ripon has finalized the largest expansion of the current Industrial-Business Park since its creation in the 1970s. The city helped with the launching of the two largest subdivisions in a generation, offering nearly 100 lots for new and current residents to choose from. The city has also been able to increase its investment in new streets, while increasing the amount it spends on resurfacing current streets to extend their useful lives. In 2008, the city will launch a major redevelopment of the downtown, aimed at improving the look of, the character of and the ease of shopping in and locating a business in downtown Ripon.
“We have been able to launch and nurture many positive, pro-active programs and initiatives in the past two years, while keeping the increases to the average tax bill below the rate of inflation,” noted Kramer. “In fact, this year, the city’s mill rate remained the same as it had been in 2006. This is a testament to the outstanding staff at City Hall, and the department heads we have in the city.”
“During my more than four years as mayor, I have seen the amount of pride and confidence grow by leaps and bounds in this city,” said Kramer. “I believe our best days as a community are ahead.”
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Posted by
Aaron Kramer
12/10/2007 07:27:00 PM